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Masks, Misinformation, & Making Do: Appalachian Healthcare Workers & the COVID-19 Pandemic

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The firsthand pandemic experiences of rural health-care providers—who were already burdened when COVID-19 hit—raise questions about the future of public health and health-care delivery. This volume comprises the COVID-19 pandemic experiences of Appalachian health-care workers, including frontline providers, administrators, and educators. The combined narrative reveals how governmental and corporate policies exacerbated the region’s injustices, stymied response efforts, and increased the death toll. First-person narratives from diverse perspectives recount the pandemic’s layered stresses, including: - the scramble for ventilators, masks, and other personal protective equipment - the neighbors, friends, and family members who flouted public-health mandates, convinced that COVID-19 was a hoax - the added burden the virus leveled on patients whose health was already compromised by cancer, diabetes, or addiction - the acute ways the pandemic’s arrival exacerbated interpersonal and systemic racism that Black and other health-care workers of color bear - not only the battle against the virus but also the growing suspicion and even physical abuse from patients convinced that doctors and nurses were trying to kill them

About VRHA

The Virginia Rural Health Association (VRHA) is a nonprofit organization working for the 2.5 million people who call rural Virginia their home. Our mission is to improve the health of rural Virginians through education, advocacy, and fostering cooperative partnerships.

Contact Us
(540) 231-7993
1872 Pratt Drive Suite 1125
Blacksburg, VA 24060

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